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2016 ASCPT Board of Directors Appointments_1 ASCPT is pleased to announce that Kellie S. Reynolds, PharmD, is ASCPT's President-Elect. Dr. Reynolds joined ASCPT in 2008 and has a long history of service to ASCPT, including serving as a past associate editor and current Editorial Board member for the Society's flagship journal, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, as a member of the Mentor Task Force, as an At-Large Director on the Board. During her tenure as President-Elect, which begins as of the March 2016 Annual Meeting, Dr. Reynolds will become a member of the ASCPT Executive Committee and an ex efficio member of other Board-designated committees.
ASCPT is pleased to announce that Kellie S. Reynolds, PharmD, is ASCPT's President-Elect. Dr. Reynolds joined ASCPT in 2008 and has a long history of service to ASCPT, including serving as a past associate editor and current Editorial Board member for the Society's flagship journal, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, as a member of the Mentor Task Force, as an At-Large Director on the Board. During her tenure as President-Elect, which begins as of the March 2016 Annual Meeting, Dr. Reynolds will become a member of the ASCPT Executive Committee and an ex efficio member of other Board-designated committees.